Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A new link

If you go to the bottom of my blog, and have a little look at TO SEE AND TO BE will find a new link called: Københavns Møbelsnedkeri. By clicking on this link, you can see the beautiful website, which belongs to my brother in law, Søren and his businesspartner.

Christian's littlebrother, Søren, is a cabinet maker and makes the most amazing furniture and kitchens. You should definitely go to the word møbler, find the word stole and have a look at A-Stool and A-Chair/A-Table if you enjoy georgeous childrens' furniture.

I'm so impressed by his work and find it hard to believe, that a few years ago - or so!! - he was just a tiny 9-year-old fellow, with a very playful he soon turns 33 and has a company of his own - luckily the playful spirit hasn't left him!

P.S. If you happen to come across the picture, which comes along with the words Ring of Fire, then you have just "met" Søren.....


  1. Wauv - helt fantastiske møbler. Forelskede mig lige i et nyt køkken. Det kan da ikke koste så meget ;-)

    Kan se at du også har set vejrudsigten for de kommende dage. YES - sommeren er kommet til Danmark.

  2. Ja, jeg synes virkelig også - i al beskedenhed - at de laver nogle helt fantastiske ting, Gitte. Ærgerligt at vores børn ikke er så små, at de kunne bruge skamlen/bilen...

    Søren har lavet vores køkken og det er virkelig håndværk - med tappede samlinger og hele molevitten. ;0)

    Sikke en vejrudsigt!!! Måske synes Otto den sorte hund bare ikke, at det er så skønt!! Den har det bare varmt i disse dage. ;0)

  3. oh wow, totally my style :)

  4. Hej Ulla... Tak for fantastiske indlæg. Jeg har netop læst med op, så nu er jeg vist opdateret til den store guldmedalje. Fortsat dejlig og var sommer til dig og dine ;-)


I - read - and - enjoy - every - single - comment - and - try - to - respond - to - it - as - soon - as - possible.

Thanks - a - lot . . . I - really - appriciate - it.